
Effiziente Anwendungsentwicklung mit Oracle APEX

Wenn Kosten, Zeit und Transparenz bei der Erstellung von IT-Projekten im Vordergrund stehen, haben wir für Sie die Antwort.


Oracle News

En Oracle tenemos grandes ejemplos de mujeres afrodescendientes que nos ayudan a liderar la transformación del mundo a través de la innovación. Carla Moraes, Vicepresidenta de Ventas de Servicios Financieros, es una de ellas.
Na Oracle, temos exemplos de mulheres negras que estão nos ajudando a liderar a transformação do mundo através da inovação. Carla Moraes, Vice-Presidente de Vendas de Serviços Financeiros, é um deles. Saiba mais!
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2024年7月度サービス・アップデートです。
We believe every cloud implementation is an opportunity to transform and reimagine your people, processes, and technology. Your business will be different on Oracle Cloud, and we believe it will be better. What that change looks like begins with alignment around your vision of the future state: What will success look like for you in the cloud?