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AskTom News
ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA 14.09.2024 20:22 I have an application which requires us to change schema's within the application to update a table for various users. We have a variable in cobol called DB-SCHEMA which gets set.
I am able to issue the with a cobol module.
However, it fails when trying to use a variable in place of the schema name. Any ideas?
END-EXEC Weiterlesen... |
How to connect SQLPlus without tnsnames.ora 14.09.2024 20:22 Hi
I am trying to use SQLPlus to connect to database directly using just the connect string (ie without referencing to tnsnames.ora)
I have this in my tnsnames.ora
POD = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = PODS.GATE.COM)(PORT = 1521)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = ODS) ) ) I can connect to the database if I use the command below, obviously the SQLPlus is refering the tnsnames.ora that I have) sqlplus USER/PASSWORD@POD However, if I do this, I will the error shown below. sqlplus USER/PASSWORD@//PODS.GATE.COM:1521/ODS ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified Is there any way, I can connect to the database without refering to tnsnames.ora as defined in the TNS_ADMIN system... Weiterlesen... |
Format the Number for display 14.09.2024 20:22 Hello Guru,
Q1) I need to display numbers from a database in a specific format.
Table Tn (n number(6,3));
The format is 999.999
SQL> insert into tn values( 123.123) ;
1 row created.
SQL> insert into tn values(0) ;
1 row created.
SQL>insert into tn values(0.123)
1 row created.
So I do
SQL> select to_char(n,999.999) from tn ;
I need the display output of value which is .000 to be 000.000 AND
.123 to be 000.123
as per the format mask.
No matter what mask i give zero is always missing from the left hand side of the decimal.
Or atleast I should have the display as 0.000 and 0.123.
How to do this.
2)Can u send me the link for available format masks for numbers and dates in the DOC Please.
Thanx Weiterlesen... |
How to Update millions or records in a table 14.09.2024 20:22 Good Morning Tom.
I need your expertise in this regard. I got a table which contains millions or records. I want to update and commit every time for so many records ( say 10,000 records). I dont want to do in one stroke as I may end up in Rollback segment issue(s). Any suggestions please ! ! !
Murali Weiterlesen... |
SQL Query aggregation and subqueries 14.09.2024 20:22 Tom:
I have a table that initially stores information about items in a warehouse stored in different bins. Table look like this where manual inventories are done every 3 months. Effective date is the sysdate when record is inserted.
Item_no Qty Bin Effective_Date
AC006 10 DC001 2/1/2002
AC006 20 DC002 2/1/2002
AC006 100 DC001 5/1/2002
AC006 50 DC002 5/2/2002
AC006 30 DC003 5/3/2002
AC006 20 DC008 5/4/2002
I need to calculate two things:
1. Total Qty of an item in inventory in a given bin. which I basically did by taking qty of the item in inventory with the max(effective_Date)+total_received and stored in that bin since that max(effective_date) ? total shipped from that bin... Weiterlesen... |